Saturday, July 27, 2013

Naked picture (own/others/tools) in your handphone

I dont know what do they think about it but to me, i dont keep it. I guess naked picture, tools picture, or any kind of picture that leads to the porn attraction material is really should not be keep in your phone. What if: 

1. You lost your phone and someone found it and dig inside it? 
2. Your family play with your phone and accidentally go through at your picture files? 
3. Your partner seek something in your phone and so happen he/she think what hidden inside your phone that they want to see?  

You have to be careful with all these material. Look what happen to the some of the celebrities that accidentally leak their privacy picture to the public. 

I am sure you dont want all those humiliate incident happened to you as well right? 

And i really hate to get a message of what they called "booty-call-text" and they actually include with the tools picture. Seriously am not interested AT ALL even i actually HATE it.  

My 2 cents ramblings 

Love Anak Kambing 

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