Every body talk about Swine Flu. Left, right, low, high level and it already create worries from every angle. Since the swine flu start till now, i should say some of the countries has take a major role for the precaution and some just take look and see first action.
How well the action goes.....
The result its dramatic where the virus has quickly been spread all around the world in fast way. Look at Malaysia case for example. If am not mistaken, the case is just reach 23 case. I still remember that our Beloved Prime Minister Datuk Seri NAjib Tun Razak make announcement that his Deputy call for a Urgent meeting to look and see and take action (so called) to prevent this situation turn to worst.
The result when i open the newspaper....... Swine Flu in Malaysia has increase to 80 cases with 4 schools has to closed in order to avoid virus spread even faster.
Few things i would like to asked.
1. Do we need the so called " UPPER MGMT DIRECTION" first to do planning and can make things work?
2. Is it our so called PLANNING is really effective and all aspect has taken consideration?
3. Why since the early part when news bout swine flu spread, we are not take the best action to prevent this from spread even MORE?
4. What our intelligent bodies is doing at their dept?
I leave to you guys to see on this. This can be applied in our life though for our lesson. : )
Think bout it mate. Cheers