Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekend Story

As usual when i have a time to do it definitely i will spend my time with my SO. The things that am always look forward every weekend. Last weekend is more like Cherish and a moment that a night incident that you will never forget.

Start with a good one where we had lunch at our favourite restaurant with my friends too. So happen my friends were around, so its more like meet and greet session. Then we went to karaoke for our next event..... after that we straight to dinner. Almost say, the night went well. But then, right after the clock enter 12.00 midnight, it turn opposite and start with a road block, then feels like " I wish this wouldn't happen tonight" situation.

Me and my SO didn't get a chance to sleep that whole night and the bad situation end early in the morning. We settle as much we could and thank god no more drama right after that. Then we finally can go to sleep and woke up in the afternoon.

When i think this back, its really a memorable moment and definitely i will never forget about it. What a weekend.

How was ur weekend folks?

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