Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I dont know how to say this, but then this is the first time doctor tell me that im in stress!.

Its kind of weird cause i actually dont know what stress mean and how does it attack on me...... and now it really happen. For the past 1 week i kind of blur..... hard for me to go for No.2 and i have a back pain, muscle pain, hard to take a breath and bla bla bla..... seriously i dont know am in stress........ i thought thats normal........

i went to clinic yesterday and i tell whats happen to me and he do the check up...... he said, im in stress....... stress of work..... gosh....... kind of awkward cause this is the first time happen to me......

I dont mind with the chest pain, muscle pain, but what bothers me is hard for me to take a breath........ its like something stopping me to inhale very deep...... so, doc give the No 2 medicine and now am ok........

yeah, its true im in stress...... ehehehehehe........ ok ok ok i need to be calm...... Holiday perhaps...... where could it be.......

Singapore........ hummmmmmmm thats sounds a brilliant idea........No not for shopping ok........

i tell you when i have decide something.......

Till then, cheers

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