Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dare to say WRONG........

As usual, i always encourage people to give comment about my blog and my storyline. This is because i always welcome room of improvement. I try my level best to correct any mistakes that i have done previously and for this point of view my grammar and way i communicate from my heart to you guys.

Then finally i saw 1 anonymous comment where he has a guts to say that my English is bad especially my grammar. Im so glad of what he did and as for that i have challenge to myself to improve more on grammar and make things better in a future.

Being a Malaysian and being in a full well train cultural behavior, we always been thought by our parent or above us that never disobey what they have ordered. If they said No, Its means no without give any reason or justification. By that point, 2 aspect that i would like to share with you, Good impact and bad impact.

Good Impact
1. Discipline - They teach us to obey and never ever bantah cakap orang tua. Because to them, they been living for so long and they know what is the best thing to their children

Bad Impact
1. Afraid to say to their superior that they are wrong. This will lead to the "Yes Bos attitude........." They afraid to admit that their superior are wrong and show them to the right thing.

At this point, create to a situation where some afraid to tell the truth about wrong thing. At this moment, i should say Thank you babe cause of remind me. I will try my level best to improve my english and hope you are not lack of idea to give any comment about my writings.

Till then, Cheers


Unknown said...

Hey, at least U tried!

Some people has got better command of the language, but just don't write.

U, try very hard to put forth your point,and succeeded. Even if its littered with mistakes.

Keep the spirit up. Improve as U go!

Anonymous said...

hey dude,

writing is the highest skill in English - it deals with productive skills.

this is the rule - if you want to produce more, you must receive more. output demands input. this is the law of nature.

so, receive good english through reading and listening (especially reading).

once you learn to be a good reader, you'll become a good writer.

So start reading, nicq!