Saturday, April 21, 2012

My BBM group

I have BBM group friends. We always chat and tease each other. The name of the BBM Group chat is Nyonya Sosialitas. The name came up simply because every body are like tai-tai or Datins.

All of us have the nick name , like 
Nyonya - because he attached with chinese fella  
Miss J - Because he is very Miss J type 
Datin - all his dressing are like datin
Cik Puan Besar - because he want to be highest level in society 
Lady D - because his english is very England 
PA Rozy - because he act like PA and very mistress lifestyle. 

so how?  


Danny said...

eh.. u think that nyonya got wear cheongsam and parade kate tepi jalan or not? ;p

For Better or Worse said...


that nyonya very muslimah one...... wear sam foo ok.