Friday, May 10, 2013

Throw the plain water in the Drain

Just saw this guy where he just pour the water from the mineral water into the drain and then after that throw the empty bottle in to the dustbin. To me, i dont have any problem for him on throwing the empty bottle in the dustbin because it is our duty to make sure that to make our place clean and tidy. Kudos for that action

But what interest me more is where he pour the water into the drain. Where, beside of the drain, there are carpet grass. To me, it is such a waste. Even if it's the flavored drink, it still ok for you to sprinkle it on the grass in any kind of weather. You give water to the plant. 

To me, I look it this way. Try to imagine that water is the money and the grass is the people/society who need the money. The action of pouring the water in the drainage is similar to giving the money to the something that not bring any benefits to the society. So, it clearly such a waste right.     

My 2 cents opinion 

Anak kambing rambling. 

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