Friday, August 8, 2008

Life is just a Cycle.......part 2

What actually happen from the word above you can see and clearly understand what does it mean. Life is always a cycle and when we on top, when we on below and what happen to you when you are in the middle. Not on top nor on the bottom?

I know, nicq kind of mumbling and make you dont really understand what do i mean and what i try to say............. to be exact so do i........ kkekekkekkeke

Its like this, when i said life is a cycle, you will know know that you on top and you or you on the bottom. Like i always tell you guys is, i like to observed people to life, especially person who i used to know or hurt my feelings. kind of weird rite....... believe me guys thats me. not that i pray they will suffer in their future life ..... but because of their behavior and action, does Almighty will pay that person of what he or she has done?

Only God know what to answer ......... being me, i just want to see what happen next. Thats all.

I will always remember and foresee their future. Some God already pay of what bad things they have done, some, god have yet give the response. So, i just wait. hehehehehhehehehe.

I will continue ............ Cheers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello ampangbayu...nice blog and i appreciate your attempt to jot down your thoughts...but seriously, you need to improve on your writing and your grammar's all over the place...practice more hard feelings...