Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hungry during fasting month

Well, if not hungry it doesn't called fasting month. Well, remind me during my first time i start fasting...... hehehehehe. I start fasting when i was standard 3. Before that, i get the privilege by NOT Fasting during the Ramadan.... Hehehehe.

I still remember how hard it be and sooner or later i get used to it. There's a time where my mom wake up and nearly slip the sahur, we all only had fresh milk. I manage to run through the day only with the help of fresh milk.

Kind of weird where i saw some of us not fasting during fasting month. Well it just only a month. Just go through with it without thinking of hungry.... what cause of problem will make you suffer?

I notice one thing, Yes, Ramadan is a special month and before Ramadan came , people kind of make some sort of celebration or event like picnic or event before fasting month came.As if there's no more picnic after Ramadan....I wonder......... it looks like when Ramadan came for the whole year or the rest of the life. Its really does not make sense.

To me, moderate should be the way it is. Well, Ramadan came and we cherish the holy month. That what i normally do and practice.

During fasting month as well, you can see there are various type of food that you hard to find during normal month will appear. Matter of sedap or not different issue. But its come's out during fasting month. I always make it as a special month where i not really keen to have rice , i mean normal rice as one of my meal. I take anything beside rice. Mee, Mee Hoon, Pasta, bread, pita, kueh, anything but not rice. If there's a rice, i only take nasi dagang, briani, kerabu, tomato as long it not white normal rice. hehehehehehe.

I guess it because i used to it and been practice it since my young age.

How bout you guys, what is your Ramadan looks like?


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